Monday, August 18, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

A tropical storm is coming. This has resulted in both of my kids' schools being closed for Monday and Tuesday. My husband's work (FIU) is also closing at 2PM and all day tomorrow. My work? Not so much.

We NEVER close. Unless, MAYBE, a hurricane is 10 minutes away. Technically, I believe it must be a Hurricane Warning for us to shut down. This is absolutely fine for me today, since I still have this huge project to finish. It's easier to get it done at the office than at home with two bored kids (age 3 & 6 - not at the age where they ignore me yet).

Anyway, I'm thankful that all the stock for is in my house - not in a far away warehouse or store. I can't imagine having to lock up multiple locations.

I'm thankful that my husband replaced the shutters someone stole from our backyard, so the stockroom can be protected, if Fay becomes a hurricane and turns our way.

I am hopeful that there won't be any interruptions to order packing or shipping. I'll post any relevant updates here, (e.g., if the post office is closed). I did drop off the morning USPS orders before work, which worked out well. And I'll run to FedEx at lunchtime.

Best of luck with the storm to all my fellow Floridians! Safety first. Stuff second.

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